Saturday, February 7, 2009

Updates: Blogging about a Blog

Sapna Magazine has a blazing blog going lately! Vaishali Rao, our director of communications, is currently our resident blogger -- and she's been posting on a diverse array of interesting topics.

Recent topics have explored fashion, politics, consumerism and the arts. For example, who knew that Britney Spears hired a Bollywood-inspired choreographer for her Circus world tour? The blog also put a spotlight on the success of South Asian American supermodel Lakshmi Menon. (Check out Menon's model bio on New York Magazine's website.)

The following is an excerpt from the Sapna blog:

Britney chose Indian choreographer, Rujuta Vaidya, trained by famous Bollywood choreographer Saroj Khan, to help her hit her moves.

“Britney was not used to the Bollywood style of dance but she is a fast learner and she picked it up well. I know she was excited about doing it because she is the one who selected us,” Rujuta told a New York-based website.

Can she pull it off? Or will it look like more of a Circus than it's supposed to?

Visit and scroll down to "the Sapna blog" to read more!


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