lesions above the level of the skin.
examples: papule, plaque, lichenification, wheal, nodule (tumor), cyst, vesicle, bulla, pustule, papilloma, scale, epidermal collarette, crust, vegetation, eschar
- papule is less than 1 cm in diameter; plaque is more
- lichenification is thickening of skin due to rubbing
- wheal is softer than papule or plaque due to edema
- nodule extends into deeper layers of dermis
- cyst contains fluid or semi-solid material
- vesicle is fluid-filled cavity beneath epidermis
- scale is composed of loose stratum corneum
- crust (scab) is a dried exudate; often preceded by pustules
- vegetation is multiple crusts layered on top of each other
- eschar is a type of crust associated with ulceration; adheres tightly to skin due to incorporation of dermal collagen
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